The difference between Rest and spread operator in JavaScript

The difference between Rest and spread operator in JavaScript

The Rest and Spread operator are two features of JavaScript introduced in ES6. They work entirely different but their similar syntax (triple dots ...) brings some misconceptions when working with them.

In this Blog, we will learn the difference between rest and spreadoperator in JavaScript.

🗝🗝 Important key points to remember:-

  • The rest operator, is used to group remaining arguments in, usually in functions.
  • The spread operator, on the other hand, is used to split a group of values in JavaScript.
  • Key takeaway: restgroups, spread splits.

Now in detail,

👉 The Rest Operator

This operator is used to get all or remaining arguments in a function as an array.

Rest Operator(...) help us to pass an infinite number of function arguments.

For example:-

const sum = (num1, num2, ...restnumber) => {
  console.log(num1);//num1-> 1
  console.log(restnumber);//restnumber-> [ 3, 4, 5 ]

sum(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);




  • Line1:-The sum function accepts three arguments num1, num2andrestnumber.where the first two arguments values are 1, 2everything we passed after is represented as an array [3,4,5].

  • Line 2: We will print the received arguments.

  • Line 3: We will make a function call.

Note: The syntax for spread and rest is the same (...), but use-cases differ.

Let's understand this with another example

const sum = (num1, num2, ...restnumber) => {
  console.log(num1);//num1-> 1
  console.log(restnumber);//restnumber-> [ 3, 4, 5 ]

  let sumOfRestNumber =
    restnumber.length === 0
      ? 0
      : restnumber.reduce((fist, last) => fist + last);
  return sumOfRestNumber;
console.log(sum(1, 2, 3, 4, 5));//sum-> 12




  • Line1:-The sum function accepts three arguments num1, num2andrestnumber.where the first two arguments values are 1, 2everything we passed after is represented as an array [3,4,5].

  • Line 2: We will print the received arguments.

  • Line 3:-After that we used ternary operator for check the restnumber length if it is 0
    we assign sumOfRestNumber is equal to 0 or length is not equal to 0 we find sum of array element with the help of array.reduceand assign result to sumOfRestNumber.

  • Line 4: We will make a function call and print the output.

Note:-Hence, the name rest, i.e., “the rest of the elements”.


const sum = (num1, num2, ...restnumber) => {
  console.log(num1);//num1-> 1
  console.log(num2);//num1-> 2
  console.log(restnumber);//restnumber-> [ 3, 4, 5 ]

  let sumOfRestNumber =
    restnumber.length === 0
      ? 0
      : restnumber.reduce((fist, last) => fist + last);
  let sumOfTotalNumber = sumOfRestNumber + num1 + num2;
  return sumOfTotalNumber;
console.log(sum(1, 2, 3, 4, 5));//sum->15



👉The Spread Operator

This operator is used to split a group of values. The group could be a string, array, or object.

For strings and arrays, the result of the spread operator is an array because they are iterable based on their index nature. By index nature

Let understand this with Example

const str = "Richa";
const arr = ["Richa"];

For objects, the result of the spread operator is an object because objects are based on their key-value nature.



👩‍💻 Uses


The spread operator can be used in four contexts. They are:

  • String expressions
  • Array expressions
  • Function expressions
  • Object expressions

Splitting the strings

let myname = "RichaSingh";

let arrayOfStrings = [...myname];

console.log(arrayOfStrings);//arrayOfString->[  'R', 'i', 'c', 'h', 'a', 'S', 'i', 'n', 'g', 'h']




  • Line 1: We will initiate the myname string .
  • Line 2: We create a new array arrayOfStrings using the spread operator.

    we are using ... spread operator to split the single string into an array of strings.

  • Line 3: We will print the new arrays to the console.

Merging arrays

const group_one = [1, 2, 3];
const group_two = [4, 5, 6];

const allGroups = [...group_one, ...group_two];

console.log(allGroups);//allGroups->[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]




  • Line 1,2: We will initiate the group_one,group_two array.
  • Line 3: We create a new array allGroups using the spread operator,we combined group_oneand group_two by using the spread operator
  • Line 4: We will print the allGroups to the console.

It is interesting let's explore more🤩


Using Spread operator in Function calls

const multiply = (a, b, c) => {
  return (a * b) / 2;
const nums = [5, 6, 2];
//function calling





  • Line:-You'd observe that we didn't place the nums in an array when using it as an argument. What the above does is to spread the values for multiply. It translates to multiply(5,6,2).

  • Line:2:-In return we multiply the value a b and div them with 2

  • Line 3: We will print the multiply to the console.

Merging Objects

const obj_one = {
  a: 1,
  b: 2,

const obj_two = {
  c: "Richa",
  d: "Singh",

const merge = { ...obj_one, ...obj_two };

console.log(merge); // merge->15{a:1, b:2, c:3, d:4}




  • Line 1-2: We will initiate obj_one obj_twothe object.
  • Line 3: We create a new object merge using the spread operator.
  • Line4:We will print the output.


  • If you see (…) dots on the function call then it is a spread operator.
  • If you see (…) dots on the function parameter then it is a rest parameter.
  • Spread operator helps us to merge Arrays or Objects.

Wrap up

rest and spread are two special features that make development easier. They also have cool benefits when using array and object destructuring. Thanks for reading 🙂.Please share it with your network. Don’t forget to leave your comments below.


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