🎊How To Use Refs In React With Hooks✨

🎊How To Use Refs In React With Hooks✨

Hello React Developers!! 👨‍💻👩‍💻 Today we are going to learn about useRef

🎯 Introduction

The useRef hook is the new addition in React 16.8.useRef is short for reference and is a hook which allows you to persist values between renders.


As a reminder, it’s crucial to follow the rules of Hooks when using any Hook, not just useState or useRef:


  • Hooks should only be called from the top level of your React function

  • Hooks must not be called from nested code (e.g., loops, conditions)

  • Hooks may also be called at the top level from custom Hooks

🔑Key Points:-

  • The useRef Hook allows you to persist values between renders.

  • It can be used to store a mutable value that does not cause a re-render when updated.

  • It can be used to access a DOM element directly.


In order to work with refs in React you need to first initialize a ref which is what the useRef hook is for.

This hook is very straightforward, and takes an initial value as the only argument.


const reference = useRef("initial value")

In the above example we have created a ref called reference and set its default value to initial value. This means that reference is now equal to an object that looks like this.

  current: 'initial value'

This returns an object which has a key called current, initialized with this initial value.

🎯How To Use Refs

A very common use case for using useRef is for when, suppose you click on a button, and then on its click you want an input to come into focus.

const inputToFocus = useRef(null);

Then on its click you want an input to come into focus. To do this, we would need to access the DOM element of input and then call its function focus() to focus the input.

const clickHandler = () => {

This is easy to do in JavaScript by just selecting the input using querySelector or by id/class and then calling its focus() function, but React does not have a simple way built in to do it. so this can be achieved using useRef.

📍Let see the example

import React, { useRef } from "react";

const Useref = () => {
  const inputToFocus = useRef(null);
  const clickHandler = () => {
  return (
      <input ref={inputToFocus} type="text" placeholder="Enter somethings" />
      <button onClick={clickHandler}>Focus on Input</button>

export default Useref;



🎯 Using Refs Beyond The DOM

While most use cases for refs lie with referencing DOM elements, refs can also be used for any form of storage that is persisted across component renders. A very common use case for this would be storing the previous value of a state variable.

The above code will update the previousName ref every time the name changes so that it always has the previous value of the name variable stored in it. *

📍Let see the example

  • Use useRef to keep track of previous state values

  • This time we use a combination of useState, useEffect, and useRef to keep track of the previous state.

  • In the useEffect, we are updating the useRef current value each time the name is updated by entering text into the input field.

import React, { useEffect, useRef, useState } from "react";

const Useref = () => {
  const [name, setName] = useState(""); 
  const previousName = useRef(null);
  const handleChange = (event) => {
  useEffect(() => {
    previousName.current = name;
  }, [name]);
  return (
        placeholder="Enter somethings"
        <h2>Current Value: {name}</h2>
        <h2>Previous Value: {previousName.current}</h2>



🎯 The differences between useRef & useState


  • Both preserve their data during render cycles and UI updates, but only the useState Hook with its updater function causes re-renders

  • useRef returns an object with a current property holding the actual value. In contrast, useState returns an array with two elements: the first item constitutes the state, and the second item represents the state updater function

  • useRef‘s current property is mutable, but useState‘s state variable not. In contrast to the current property of useRef, you should not directly assign values to the state variable of useState. Instead, always use the updater function (i.e., the second array item). As the React team recommends in the documentation for setState in class-based components (but still true for function components), treat state like an immutable variable

  • useState and useRef can be considered data Hooks, but only useRef can be used in yet another field of application: to gain direct access to React components or DOM elements

🎯 When to use Refs and States


  • Refs are useful when getting user input, DOM element properties and storing constantly updating values.

  • If you are storing component related info or use methods in components states are the best option.

🎯 Wrap Up!!

I hope you learned something new🤗, if you wish to read more about these topics, you can refer to the resources below! You can also comment down your thoughts W3School


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